[1] Today is my Mother's birthday, I think she's 48, but she could be 49... So Happy Birthday to her. I know it must be a little scary to be getting so close to 50, so I thought I'd show this picture of her when she was a young mother and I was without question the cutest baby that ever lived:

[2] Also, my sister graduated from High School on Wednesday of last week and I haven't gotten around to mentioning here on the blog. I was hoping to have a picture from the graduation to put up, but somebody hasn't provided me with any of those pictures yet... so instead I'll put up this baby picture of my sister that really embarrasses her. Although she's beautiful now, she wasn't the cutest baby in the world (certainly not as cute as the baby above) in fact in this picture her face looks exactly like my Uncle Danny who is easily one of the top 5 ugliest men in the world- and that is absolutely not an exaggeration.

[3] I had McDonald's for lunch today- Nuggets... I gobbled them down with a speed and ferocity that would have made Moe Greene proud. A few minutes later I stopped at a gas station and gathered up the trash produced by my lunch. When I lifted up the McDonald's bag I discovered one crispy and still warm Nugget that must have somehow fallen out. The amount of pleasure the coursed through my veins at this discovery is almost shameful. But damn did that Nugget taste good.
and [4] I had one of those dreams on Sunday night that feel SO real that even after you wake up it takes you a few minutes to decide whether or not it was real... Moe Greene and I had gone to Chicago to take in a Cubs game at Wrigley field. We met up with all of the Chicago Bloggers at a very nice but pricey restaurant. It was a good meal, but as the night wore on the bloggers started to leave one by one until finally Moe and I were left alone at the table. When the check came we realized that nobody had paid for their meals before leaving. Moe and I were left with a $1200 bill, tip not included... So I would just like to say, to the Chicago bloggers; Shame on you for what you did... um, in my dream. It really pissed me off... you know, in my dream.
Sorry about that. How about I buy you dinner tonight -- in your dreams!! (that was easy)
uh, i'm not even an avid baseball fan but i think you both totally deserve getting stuck with that bill. you and moe come all the way to chicago and go to a cubs game at wrigley field? was there any sense of shame in your dream? you know that if you were both transplanted in chitown you would totally--without a doubt both be southsiders.
cubs?!!?! really?!?!?!! what the hell?!! we knew what we were doing when we left you with the bill...SOX RULE!!!! got it?!?!? ;-)
happy birthday to your mom :-) and congrats to your sister :-)
1. you were a very cute baby!
2. congrats to your little sister! what's next on her agenda?
3. i would kill for a quarter pounder with cheese right now.
4. you're dreaming about bloggers???
You mean your mother is 48 the same age as me. She never visited Yorkshire did she ?
LMAO @ Regina. .that was good!
Love the pixs btw! Congrats to your sis and Happy B-day to your mom.
I had a dream last night that the mav’s lost and I woke up mad. . oh wait that wasn’t a dream. GRRR!
And what’s up with the deleted comment. . I’m nosey dude, what did it say!!! LOL, was it another confession by any chance?
hector, chancla, sonrisa... I was glad to see the Sox win last year- simply because all of you re Sox fans, and true- if I lived in Chicago and was forced by gun point to ditch my Nationals for a Chitown team- I would go with the Sox- clearly... now having said all that- people dont traveling across the county every year to go see the White Sox play... they go for the Cubs... and actually I wouldn't go for the Cubs, I'd go for Wrigley Field!
If/when I make the trip to Chitown I want to see both the Sox and the Cubs play... so calm down... and if you come to my area and go to see an Oriole game and not a Nationals game, I'd have the same reaction you guys had.
Regina- If memory serves me correctly, a fellow blogger bought you a meal, so you're like obligated to buy a meal for another blogger... i think it's like a rule or something
jennifer- my sister is afraid to go way to college so she's going to go the Community College route for a year.
white rose boy- now THAT would be a great confession
cad- sorry to say it was nothing special- moe greene made a comment with a gramatical error and it bothered him so much that he deleted it.
marie- it was the best part of my day too!
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