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Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Sorry about the lack of a Film Vault Tuesday... in addition to being very busy this week- I'm running out of movies to review.

Anyway, The town in El Salvador where my wife is from was the subject of an article in The Washington Post. It gives a pretty good perspective on how immigration effects, not just the United States, but the countries where the people came from.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting article......
I am sure that I am not the only one who misses your postings... :/

Glad things are going well for you Joel....Keep in touch..ok?

Mick & Cathy said...

Running out of movies, this is hard to take, your our expert.

Vanessa said...

Thanks for posting the article. Here's a movie suggestion: Howard Stern's Private Parts.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that article Joel. It's like that around a lot of places. What do people expect? Unfortunately, there are no borders on corporations. . .where there need to be.


I wish Latin America was more Americanized, i wish their gov't helped them like they help us here. Then maybe people wouldnt leave to come in search of something better.

peros asi es la vida, no?

jennifer said...

i've known about this phenomenon happening in mexico for years. i guess it makes sense that it is also happening in el salvador. i wonder what the country (el salvador) will look like in another twenty years...

sonrisa morena said...

the article reminds me of my pueblito in michoacan :-( there are only old people...including my parents...left in it. it's really sad when i think about it...anywho, let's not get sad.

hey i watched magnolia AGAIN!!! loved it!! i knew i did, thanks!!AND i also got to see office space!!! top ten movies on my list!!!! HILARIOUS!!!!!...YEAH I GOT TO WATCH ALOT OF MOVIES WHILE I WAS OUT SICK :-(