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Sunday, May 07, 2006


Today I woke up around 9 am... I sat on my couch watching ESPN for an hour, hoping that my wife would make me some breakfast. When it became apparent that she wasn’t going to do that I went downstairs and microwaved 3 hot dogs- that was my breakfast.

I've spent the rest of the afternoon back on the couch... I'm wearing sweat pants and an old T-Shirt which, thanks to my nutritious breakfast, now sports a nice ketchup stain... The dirty dishes are still piled up on the coffee table... I've been watching a Women's Pool Tournament for a good 40 minutes now... I hate watching Pool on TV, but the remote control is on the other side of the room and I don't feel like getting up... If someone walks into the room I'll try to talk them into retrieving the remote for me so I can change the channel... If it wasn't for the fact that my lap top is right here in front of me, none of you would ever know about how pathetically lazy my Sunday afternoon has been...


Anonymous said...

dude, why didn't you just ask if she could make breakfast. the it always taste better when you do it, always gets me.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...


something bringing u down or just having one of those days where u don't want to do anything.

i agree with CC. u can't expect someone to read your mind. maybe she was tired too...maybe she feels like you...and doesn't want to do anything at all.

btw....have you ever just cooked breakfast for your wife....without her asking.....bet she would appreciate something like that too.
doesn't have to be a "complex" breakfast....coffee and toast or whatever her favorite breakfast foof is.

Brian said...

As soon as I saw "Pathetic" and Sunday, I knew EXACTLY where this was headed...

Good times.

Santiago said...

I feel ya on that one. She almost never makes me breakfast on the weekends. I usually the one making the breakfast for the kids. I can't really blame her. She is usually coming off of work. I am not that evil. I could be, but I am not. Pool sucks on tv. Sorry. You can train one of the cats to bring it to you. That would be an all time cool factor.

sonrisa morena said...

damn dude!!! i hope your sundays aren't ALWAYS like this!!! AND hot dogs for breakfast? hmmm? the only time i've eaten hotdogs in the morning is when i've been drunk and we stop at some fast food place that's open 24 hours.

Joel said...

CC- I made not so subtle hints, and then she didn't offer to cook me anything until I was already cooking the hotdogs...

dr. v- I don't know if I've ever cooked her breakfast, but I do cook dinner's every now and then... I can out together a mean shrimp alfredo!

Moe- it sure beat changing diapers.

Santiago- I can't even get my cat to stop knocking drinks off my night stand.

Sonrisa- No matter how many bad experiences I've had with 24 hour convinience store hotdogs- I keep going back... ecspecially in the scenerio you described

Marie- nothing beats a lazy Sunday

Hector- I'll second that

Mick & Cathy said...

We all have our lazy day's from time to time.

Anonymous said...

-sigh i so wish it was sunday and i was at home and i wish i owned a laptop. . as for the breakfast hotdogs. . rawk on!