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Friday, March 31, 2006

You Really Can Go Home Again

So, I've decided to go back to my old job... As most of you know, my current boss is the devil... and the office manager here isn't much better. As great as it is to work everyday with my best friend of 15 years- I'm miserable. It was either quit or jump off a bridge. I think quiting was probably better (although I think I could write one hell of a suicide letter blog post!)

I loved my old job, and I got a good deal to go back... I'll certainly appreciate it much more this time around.

Everyone is worried about how this will effect my work stories, and that's a valid concern... But I can assure you that my work stories will not only be just as good- they'll probably be better.

My old boss already has an excellent assignment lined up for me at one of the Senate Office Buildings that will, for now, have to stay nameless... It should run from June until sometime next year- there's even a rumor that I'll have an office in the building... MY OWN OFFICE IN A SENATE OFFICE BUILDING!?!

In my last assignment at my old job I was at the Capitol Building and I literally bumped into Ted Kennedy while getting off an elevator! So that's the kind of stories we can look forward to...

But of course I've still got two more weeks here and I think it's safe to assume that Moe and I will not let our remaining time together be boring... I'll keep everybody posted and of course, Film Vault Tuesday's will continue.


Vanessa said...

You are moving on to bigger and better things--that's really great!

I hope your time left at the current situation is filled with much fast food runs with Moe Green--and that we get to hear about it.

Anonymous said...

i think you qualify for red stapler nomination. so what was ted like?

Joel said...

Vanessa- Moe is using my departure as an excuse to break the fast food ban he began after his mcnugget extravaganza- so we might still get the bloggers first live heart attack diary!?!

cracked chancla- I don't know that I qualify for the stapler- but I'm more than happy to except the nomination... also, I was usually at the Capitol at night, but sometimes the Senate burns the midnight oil. The night I ran into Ted was one of those nights... it was really late at night and they were still in session... me and my co-worker had to do something in the Senate chamber so we headed up there right before they were supposed to finish up... I had been talking about wanting to meet Teddy for weeks- we step off the elevator and there he was. I had to slam on the breaks just to keep from walking right into him... sadly, he was looking VERY rough. He was round and chubby but his limbs were kinda thin and he looked almost sickly. He was by himself which I found strange because most of the Senators always have staffers around... he mumbled something along the lines of "excuse me" but never made eye contact.
I've seen/met a lot politicians so I don't really get affected by it- but he had a presence- I didn't dare say anything to him. He's not really approachable... Dick Gephardt, Nancy Pelosi, and believe it or not the late Strom Thurmond have been the most personable/friendly politicians I've met... also, Nancy Pelosi is the oldest woman I've even been attracted to in my life- for whatever that's worth.

Mick & Cathy said...

Better to do the job you are happy with. I'm sure the stories won't dry up.

finally forgiving said...

congratulations on the new/old job.

Joel said...

cindylu- at this point I don't think Ted would have the strength to get out of the sinking car... I'd end up leaving him- and wouldn't that be an ironic way for him to go!?

white rose boy- yeah the stories might not be as frequent but they'll be more interesting.

unforgiving bitch- thanks, and I was worried that I'd end up getting tossed out on the spot when I gave my 2 weeks notice, like your boss did- but it looks like I'll be okay

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

What's the red stapler award? Also, I address you in my latest post.

Joel said...

regina- yes I'm glad to hear you're getting away from that sweat shop restaurant... the Red Stapler Award is given out by Cracked Chanlca who quit her job and took a year off- she eventually decided to pursue her dream of being her own boss and starting her own bookstore- right in the Windy City that you also call home.
so the award is honor of that... in her words- "If you quit your job and go out to follow your bliss, I may nominate you for my Red Stapler award."
As far as I'm concerned you qualify as well, but that's up to Cracked Chancla.

Joel said...

Informant- well my company works for a federal agency and so I worked in basically all the buildings that this agency had jurisdiction over... the Cannon, Russell, Hart, Dirkesen, and Ford all those buildings- but most of my time was spent in the Rayburn and then in the Capitol... also a lot of time in the Old Executive Office Building.
and wow and you right about the interns- I knew a couple and they had some stories... and just from a male's perspective- summer on Capitol Hill is unreal... it's like these Senators are out scouting beauty pageants for interns.

Anonymous said...

Awwww....Well CONGRATS.....
Trust me..I know whats its like to feel like you need to jump off the bridge..I am ALMOST there myself...
But...are you ready for 270 traffic? Working in Frederick and living in Frederick is such a benefit in itself...

Joel said...

I used to do the 270 drive everyday a few years back, so I know what to expect. but I'm not looking forward to it.

sonrisa morena said...

Congrats!!!! now i can say that i know someone in one of THOSE buildings!!! i'm soo happy for you!! i can't wait to read new stories!! seriously, dude i am really happy for you!!! luna-tika is too ;-)

sonrisa morena said...

oh yeah...YAY!!! for continuing the tuesday film vault!!!

Cincysundevil said...

Very cool!! I'm so jealous! I only run into screeching homeless people around government buildings! I can't wait to hear the new stories