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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

List Thing

So, I got tagged by Sonrisa to do this list thing... before I get into that I'll give this brief update; My wife is on some very good pain killers and it's helping, we're going to see a specialist later today and should know more then... Some interesting observations/comments/questions from our hospital and doctor's visits over the past 2 days:

- Are Emergency room Doctors and nurses actually trained not to make eye contact with neglected patients as they go down the hallway or is that something that they just pick up on the job? Maybe Dr. V could answer that question, although I'm sure she doesn't do that to her patients.

- Why don't nurses ever actually LISTEN to what you're saying? Only my friend Moe Green is better at cutting people off in mid sentence before you can get to your point than the nurses at Frederick memorial Hospital.

- This isn't an observation, but an actual question that I was asked by a redneck nurse with bleach blond hair that was all poofy in front: "Does your wife know how to say her name in English?"

Now, onto the list... and keeping with tradition, I won't tag anyone else, just if you feel like doing this, by all means knock yourself out.

Three books I can read over and over:
- Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
- Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
- To Kill a Mockingbird by whoever the hell wrote it. (I belive it's Harper Lee)

Three places I've lived:
- Frederick, MD
- West Baltimore (not good times, bad times)
- Beltsville/College Park, MD

Three TV shows I love:
- The Office
- Law and Order: SVU (It's so terrible that I actually enjoy watching it. In fact I'll have to expand on it with an entire post all to it's on one day)
- Intervention (it's on A&E, they follow crack heads around for a week and then hit them with a "surprise" intervention at the end... total train wreck, pulls me in ever time)

Three highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I've never watched a single minute of:
- The Shield (I can't take any show with a 5'4" tough guy seriously)
- 24 (Um... see above. I just can't buy Keefer Sutherland saving the world more than once per lifetime.)
- Entourage (I believe that it's good but I feel like I've missed out on too much to step in at this point plus I hate, HATE being told that I just HAVE to see this show.)

Three places I've vacationed:
- Mexico
- Houston
- Myrtle Beach

Three of my favorite dishes:
- Lomo Saltado (from La Puerta in Arlington, VA)
- Pupusas (made by mi cuñada Lupe)
- Some Macaroni/Hamburger/Corn/Tomato mix casserole thing my Mom makes.

Three sites I visit daily:(Non-blogs)
- McSweeny's
- IMDB (Internet Movie Database)

Three places I would rather be right now:
- At home in bed
- Asleep on my couch
- Asleep on someone else's couch


Cincysundevil said...

I'm with you on reading "To Kill a Mockingbird", I've read it like 10 times in my life. Good call; I may just have to do this quiz myself.

sonrisa morena said...

mmmm, papusas!!!! yummy yummy in my tummy :-)

Santiago said...

i am glad morena is getting some pain meds. they make life a little easier. lomo saltado. i will have to look for that dish.

jennifer said...

pupusas! omigod. yum! that was what struck me most about this blog entry. i must be hungry!

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Yes, please expand on your SVU comment.

Joel said...

cincys- can you believe a bunch of students from my sister's AP English class voted that they wanted to replace TKAMB on the reading list b/c it was "too boring."

sonrisa- I'll second that

santiago- I think it's a paruvian dish, but I'm not positive- the place I first had it was Peruvian but who knows.

jennifer- pupusas have the power to make you hungry even after you've just eaten.

regina- yeah I'm going to have to do that.

Anonymous said...

i hope your wife is feeling better. and i agree what's up with being cut in midsentence at hospitals and clinics. i guess its that we live in a society that's just in a rush to get things done but nurses should understand that just taking a moment to listen (really listen) is enough to make a patient feel better.

Anonymous said...

dude. .24 rocks! I know. . it's far fetched. . but come on! it rocks! lOL