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Thursday, February 23, 2006

For the Good of My Marriage

It has been brought to my attention by some, that today (being my second wedding anniversary and all) would be a good time to end this hot and steamy affair I've been having... I suspect this may be good advice, leading me to take the follwing actions:

To my mistress- I guess this is goodbye... we had great times, no doubt, but let's just put this behind us and move on... it's not you, it's me. You'll learn to love again... I leave you with this, one of my favorite pictures of us together... I know, the lighting is a little funny, but the paparazzi were out in full force that night and I guess all the camera flashes make everything look a little funny... but regardless, it was a beautiful night, and I must say, I looked stunning... and you were looking pretty okay yourself... So here it is, my last gift to you:

Sorry to end this on my blog, but you're just so difficult to deal with in person when it comes to emotional subjects like this... really, you may want to work on that.

You're a little, I don't know, smothering at times I guess... But that's besides the point... What I want to say is- good-bye.


Anonymous said...

I remember that night. If I'm not mistken, that was for the premiere of "Frida". I'll be sure to send my condolensces Selma's way...

Anonymous said...

You crack me up, Joel. De buena onda. :)

sonrisa morena said...

so at what point did you wake up?!?!? ;-)

jennifer said...

congrats on your anniversary!

Anonymous said...

hehe. congrats.

Anonymous said...

You are toooo funny!!!! LOL

JHD said...

Happy Anniversary!

I heard a rumor that she's now dating Devil. (Although I think that rumor may have started with him now that I think about it....)

Santiago said...

You mean I have a shot at Salma!!! Thanks for the heads up!!!

Congratulations on the anniversary!!

Vanessa said...


G. jokes to his class that he is obsessed with Salma. At least I think it's a joke.

Joel said...

Moe- No that was us at the Oscars, I believe.

EMC- I'll have you know I spent way too much of my employeers time working on that.

Sonrisa- hopefully never

Jennifer/Chancla- thanks!

April- that's right I am

JHD- That Devil get's all the girls!

Santiago- Salma is out there, so let the bidding begin!

Vanessa- Knowing how most men feel about my-ex, I would have to say that he's not joking at all!