I spent one night watching the Travel Channel for 4 straight hours. They had a marathon of documentaries on isolated tribes in South Africa, Brazil, and Philippines... You know the documentaries I'm talking about... people with bloated bellies walking around in skirts made of leaves and an arrow sticking through their nose.
They're always on the brink of starvation yet they're surrounded by a camera crew who probably have access to an unlimited supply of steak and potatoes... those documentaries always suck me in and I can't change the channel. Anyway, getting to my point... I'm watching the show and I began to notice that every time they came back from a commercial break there would be this big warning screen:
That's right, not just nudity, but indigenous nudity!
Does that mean they wouldn't normally be showing nudity, but because it's "indigenous nudity" it's okay?
Or does it mean, "Look we know you can handle seeing some run of the mill ordinary titties, but we're not sure you can handle indigenous titties... So consider yourself warned!"
Or maybe it's a warning for men not to get their hopes up... "Look we know when you see the word 'nudity' you get all excited, so in order to avoid disappointing you we're just going to come out and admit it right now- we don't have what you're looking for! (Unless you're looking for a naked African lady with a Mohawk and no shoes dancing around a fire while people throw red clay at her, because we've got plenty of that!)"
Regardless of the meaning behind the warning, it cracked me up everytime I saw so I thought I'd share it with you... so anyway, my X-Mas gift to all of you is this, Indigenous Nudity! I hope you can handle it:

brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, Joel. I can almost see you sitting there quietly, freakin' bored, when you come to this realization, you just smirk. You made my day :)
EMC/Chancla- Glad to see you guys could handle the indigenous nudity. feliz navidad.
it may sound childish but I can't help but laugh when I see twins flopping around..lol
Feliz Navidad!
i'm just reading this one....i handle that quite well :)
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