…Wondering what I will do with my time from now that baseball season is over…
-Pedro Martinez is crazy. And I mean that. Last

night he was at the World Series for the Latino Legends of Baseball Ceremony... And with half the world watchign he just kept doing crazy Pedro things. The camera caught him standing alone in the dugout laughing hysterically for no apparent reason. Then he started doing his goofy finger pointing routine at a visably frightened and confused Juan Marical… just classic Pedro stuff. I think my wife summed it up best when she randomly decided to speak English, looking at the TV and simply stating, “You crazy Pedro... Crazy!?" [She speaks English like twice a month at totally random moments and it's always great.]

-Why are Barbara and George Bush Sr., Astro fans? Weren’t they Texas Ranger fans less than a decade ago? In what way is that allowed? You can’t just change teams like that! I mean, if you’re a Ranger's fan you can root for the Astros but you can’t show up to the game and sit front row with the Hats on and pretend to be keeping score... That’s just wrong! I was rooting for the White Sox but I didn't go buy a hat and try to pretend I was a die hard ChiSox fan... And I didn't see any of the famous Cubs fans (Bill Muarry, John Cusak, etc.) sitting in the front row trying to be a Sox fan...
-The evil old white lady I work with told me about her theory that

one of our Muslim Policy holders is a terrorist… Her evidence apparently consists of two things [1] His name is Muslim, and [2] he’s not very nice to her… and that’s it. That’s all it takes for her to label you a terrorist… She is however, very tolerant of the redneck policy holder we have who refers to African-Americans as “Colored People” and sometimes an even more insulting name… So by her way of thinking: Muslim=Bad, Racist Hick=Good.
She’s also a Republican… did I mention that? Very, very Republican. She loves George Bush, Jesus, and War, not necessarily in that order.
-There is this show called “Intervention” on A&E where crack heads do crack head things for 45 minutes and then in the last 15 minutes of the show they get a surprise intervention from their family. It’s VERY entertaining, in a train wreck sort of way.
Recently they had an episode where this guy was “addicted” to video games… I don’t think it’s a valid addiction, but if it is, I’m afraid I may be one of the “addicted”.
Here’s why:
Moe Green and I bought an old Sega and a copy of NHL 94 to play on our lunch break. It really wouldn’t be a story if it ended there, but sadly, that’s only where the story really begins… We decided to create our own league… with a real schedule… we keep stats for EVERY player… There is an elaborate rule system… We even have computer printouts that keeps us up to speed on everything from Player's of the Week, to League Leaders… I'm almost ashamed to say it, but Wednesday night I bought a replica Stanley Cup to be awarded to the winner of our post season tournament, which is about to begin… We’ve even gone so far as to have post season awards for the top players, and may have a final ceremony.
Does that make me an addict? Have we crossed the line? 2 weeks ago we skipped eating lunch altogether just so we could get in an extra game!
every individual has their own obsessions..as i say enjoy it, as long as you are not hurting anyone all should be ok ;-)
dude, i totally remember Sega. it was the best. it is not going too far. i've crazier stuff for less meaningful things.
Oh, the Bush's are such a strange clan. I told my fiancee as we watched the world series that it must be distracting to have Babs Bush sitting right there in the front row. I would be distracted. "Hey—git that old fogey out of here!"
And that's the Bush's for you. They're rich up the wazoo and they can and do just about anything, and thus they were in the front row. I agree with you, why not push them all the way to the bleachers, they are Rangers fans. Then again, I don't think there's a deep rivalry between Rangers and Astros the way it is in Chicago.
I used to love those old Sega games. I remember that hockey game...the way you can make a specific play by hitting the right combination of buttons and jerking your hands and the controller to one side as if that would help you score.
sonrisa- we almost got into a fist fight today after I lost an important game b/c he cheated... but overall I think we've got out obsession under control.
Santiago- when we saw how cheap Sega was on Ebay we couldn't resist.
emc- yeah, I'm a 25 year old man but I still try to magicaly move the puck with my body language.
whokickedthecat- good call on the Swingers refrence, great game, great movie... i still remember that whole day perfectly, we were all gonna throw down over a home run contest with a tennis ball and an aluminum bat. i blame Moe Green
oh, don't worry cindylu, I fully acknowledge the epic nerdiness of our league... by the way since I'm in fantasy baseball and football, i can confirm that they're all pathetic nerdy endevers... but our imaginary hockey league is the worst, at the same time, i cant wait til lunch today to play a few games!
i was hoping the bush's got hit with a ball--really i was keeping my fingers crossed for it.
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