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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Extension of My Angry Rant

This link --> "Kaibiles, Zetas, and Narcos" <-- is kind of an extension of my Angry Rant about John Negroponte... only it's not written by me, and doesn't have a direct connection to Negroponte. It's more of the ripple effects of the whole Reagan Administration's Foreign Policy, and the war crimes they committed in Central America.
Anyway this guy Rob lives and works in Guatemala for a non-profit organization (
Incidencia Democratica) and in addition to having a great blog/journal his site is filled with amazing facts and photos... He's an inspiring guy. I hope everyone will go check his site out, I promise you won't be disappointed: Rob's Page (El Canche)

1 comment:

sonrisa morena said...

interesante...si si muy interesante