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Thursday, January 10, 1980

Past, Present, and Future


"Farting in the Shower" (or FITS as we like to call it) has been around since September of 2005. Since it's inception it has been through more changes than a awkward, teen age girl... it started as, "Así Es," and was then called, "Tales of Mediocrity," for a brief period of time, before finally finding a voice as "Farting in the Shower". There have been URL changes, theme changes, indefinite hiatuses, and dozens of scandalous confessions... but through all that change, the blog has managed to pick up a few loyal readers and some really good friends along the way.


FITS is no longer that awkward teenage girl with the braces and pimply face... It's now got a set of voluptuous boobs, a closet full low cut blouses, and more swagger than a Kanye West remix.

It's still just me doing the bulk of the writing, but I do get occasional contributions from Moe Greene and Mike So Def... The topics of choice on FITS have mainly been personal stories and observations, with the occasional DVD review thrown into the mix on "Film Vault Tuesday." A couple of the other recurring themes have been, "The Sleazy Confession Awards," and of course the recently introduced, "Life in the Fast (food) Lane."

and Future

As FITS moves into the future, I'm hoping to provide a more balanced mix of movie and food reviews to go along with the "classic" personal stories FITS has been known for. In particular, "Life in the Fast (food) Lane," has me really excited about the future of this blog... In the years since FITS has been around we've managed to establish that, [a] I love fast food, and [b] I love writing... If I can somehow combine those two passions, and give you something decent to read while you're at work, then the world will be gravy from my perspective.

So if you're a long time reader, thanks for sticking around through all the changes... and if this is your first visit to FITS, let me direct you to a few posts that might give you a better feel for the blog:

-The Return (Rita the Peter Eater)

-New Year's Purse Snatcher

-New Year's Scar

-I Confess

-Sleazy Confessions 2009

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